So... so far, so good, with the intention to post every day. Every day in January - achieved. I only have to get half way through February and I'll have equalled the number of posts from the whole of 2015, and by the end of February I'll have beaten last year's total. I'm quite confident, now I've got back into the swing of it.
I just hope it's not too little, too late. I haven't updated or weeded my blogroll yet, but I'll have to soon. My blogroll was set up for my benefit; a one-stop portal for the posts I wanted to read over breakfast. Time was there'd be half a dozen a day or more new posts, but no more. Some only post while they're boating, so the winter months are quieter (except for the indomitable icebreaking Herbies); some - including the fabulous read that was Valerie - have sold up and stopped blogging, while others have just petered out. None of the historic boaters on my list has posted for over four months.
I would dearly love to add some new blogs to the blogroll, but they have to be ones I'll enjoy reading - well-written, interesting - and if they're occasionally funny, that's a bonus. So please do send me your recommendations. And if there are any other old boat blogs that I'm not aware of (they don't even have to pass the interesting test) I will definitely add them.
At present it seems that the only blogger who's increasing their posting rate is Nev on Percy. Diamond Geezer is, thankfully, showing no sign of packing away his keyboard, and to be honest most days is enough on his own to get me through breakfast. It's a sad fact though that blogging - personal blogging at least - is being supplanted by faster, shorter, picture-ier media. I don't know how many of those on the blogroll are now communicating primarily through Facebook, Twitter, maybe even Instagram - but I'm certain that at least some of them are.
Who'd have thought, fifteen years ago, that we would so quickly arrive at the day when blogging was seen as old hat.
We're only on the boat !!
1 day ago
Well done for the month of January, no mean achievement and done IIRC without a reference to Brexit ! I really like blogging, but unlike the majority of vloggers who seem to be doing it for ££'s I blog for a personal record of what I was doing when. Keep the faith and the posts.
ReplyDeleteAs one of those who's blogging is just "petering out" may I congratulate you on completing a full month of daily posting. I look forward to your daily posts and make a point of reading them. I suppose poor old "Narrowboat Starcross" has had a bit of an identity crisis since I sold the boat, but as long as I can see that people are reading (which they seem to be) I'll keep going (but not daily!)
ReplyDeleteSarah, you along with Nev and DG (of course) have been on my 'reading list' for a long time, so may it continue :)
One of my favourites, always an interesting read.
Try the blog of Oleanna - they post everyday plenty of good photos and comments
ReplyDeleteAs you suggest, our blog ("Sickle" & "Flamingo") tends to concentrate mostly, (but not exclusively) on trips out. I never seem to ever quite get us back to base though, as that always involves travel over the bits we do all the time, and we have largely run out of new photo opportunities. Slow steady progress is being made inside "Flamingo" and when it gets warm enough to spend extended periods in the engine room, I'll be rewiring much of the 12 volt system. In time some new posts will emerege, both about boat improvements and new travels. We hope to do the Hebden Bridge trip, at which point if I have any energy left at the end of a day, I'm sure muh new stuff will appear.
ReplyDeleteGood effort from you though. As someone who has come very late to reading fiction, I might even try out some of your better book reads!
There has in fact been one veiled Brexit reference....