The sun was shining as I got out of the car outside Lapworth Village Hall, and I thought, this is what marks the end of the winter and the first green shoots of hope for the summer ahead: the HNBC AGM. Just as the November Social wraps up the boating season and is a chance to recap on the summer's boating just gone, and say au revoir to boating friends for the winter, the AGM sees us say hello again, pick up the conversations where we left off, and the plans made over the winter for the year's boating to come start to feel real.
So I do like the AGM. This year there were no contentious motions, and no contested elections (I miss being on the committee though, and knowing what goes on behind the scenes). I chatted with lots of people, and bought some books. The guest speaker was Julie Sharman, head of CRT's Asset Management. Asset Management is a more interesting subject than you might think, but not as interesting as the slideshow of old boatyard invoices we had in November.
Phil made an appeal for additional volunteers to help with the tea, but my HazChem training's not up to date so I had to decline.
New year, new boat, new blog
2 weeks ago
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