Well, Blogpress actually. It ate my post again last night... Said it had posted successfully, showed me the post... but when I go to look at the blog again, it's not there, and not saved by Blogpress either.
Anyway, what I posted last night was my endorsement of Alan Fincher's candidacy for one of the four boater seats on the C&RT Council. I know other bloggers are standing, and yet other bloggers have endorsed them on the basis of their blogs, but I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know Alan personally, which I do, and I believe that he would be an independent minded, strong voice with great attention to detail and dogged determination to the boater's cause, with years of boating experience spread over decades and a real commitment to listen to his constituency. Not that I expct anyone to act solely on the basis of my recommendation, so have a look at his blog here and see what you think.
I'll be giving Alan my first preference vote and wish him every success.
Short lived but enjoyable
22 hours ago
I've already pledged my first preference to Andy Tidy but I'd be happy to give Alan second choice. Of course, if we each had four votes (to elect four candidates) I could vote positively - and equally - for both of them. I'm still not sure that the STV system works best in a non-party political election where proportional representation is irrelevant.