Creeping up in the charts - and overtaking Chertsey - is the slightly unusual blog of Siskin. Siskin is a new boat, based on a Yarwoods' Cowburn and Cowper boat, in the process of being built at Brinklow Boat Services by Simon Wain, with a great deal of input from the boat's owner, Steve Goddard. It's unusual firstly in being a build blog which follows the progress of a serious, detailed, replica (if I can say that) boat, and secondly, for the detail it provides of the work that goes into it - updated almost daily, often after a really long, hard day. If anyone ever doubted that a quality bespoke boat was worth what one costs, then this will reassure you. A fascinating read.
There is also a Siskin blog on Canalworld, with interspersed comments - and it can be read in chronological order.
New year, new boat, new blog
2 weeks ago
Curiously, I noticed it for the first time last night! I agree with your observations.