... feminist, atheist, autistic academic and historic narrowboater ...
Likes snooker, beer, tea, rivets and solitude, and is strangely fascinated by the cinema organ.
And there might be something about railways.

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Clinging on

This post would, had I posted it yesterday, have taken the total for 2022 to exactly one quarter of the previous lowest total, in 2015. As it is, I didn't even manage that.

Poor show.

Not for the first time, I was seriously considering drawing a line under it, and bringing nearly seventeen years of blogging to an end. The number of people who blog, and who interact with blogs, is shrinking year by year. My inclination to share my life with the world - albeit in a more controlled and considered way than via Twitter (tried it; didn't like it), Facebook (never have, never will) or any even more new-fangled social media interfaces (ditto) - is likewise declining as the novelty wears off and the downsides become more apparent.

Most obviously, of course, there has been no boating. Not in 2020 or 2021, but not in 2019 or 2022 either. Chertsey's current sorry and neglected state is nothing to write proudly or joyfully about - and I don't want to write a moanfest.

Life has not been dull though as work has flooded in to fill the gaps and has been all-consuming.  It's no secret where I work or what I do so I don't like to write about it too much.  (I don't mind telling you though that after four years of trying I have just been promoted :-)

And yet, and yet .... I can't quite bring myself to bow out. And I probably never will, so at some point this will fade out with a whimper (you probably thought it already had) but most likely not with the bang (in an empty forest) of a deliberate last post. 

In the meantime, here is a photo of Ricky and Geoffrey at Brinklow.

Happy 2023 everyone ...   ... if there's anyone still looking ....


  1. Some of us are still looking, Sarah

  2. Yes, also still following.

  3. and savouring every word 😉

  4. Another David, who still leads his blog roll reading with your site. Congratulations with your promotion; its obviously something you wanted. Disappointed, or perhaps commiserations, that you don't find the drive to whip Chertsey back into useable shape. But to be fair, I have the same disappointment that I haven't whipped my project back into usable shape, and I don't even have 'work' as a distraction!
    Anyway, here is hoping 2023 will be more positive than the last few years.
    Best Wishes.

  5. Still reading Sarah, and still enjoying!!

  6. Sarah, I love reading your blogs - no matter the subject. You always have a refreshing angle on things. Please keep posting as and when you feel moved to do so. Please don't feel obligated to post and please don't let it become a burden. I know that being a,"feminist, atheist, autistic academic" may make this difficult for you. However, it is exactly these attributes that makes what you have to say so interesting !
    Congratulations on the promotion and Happy New Year from Scotland. We all hope to hear from you again - in the fullness of time.

  7. My last comment wasn't meant to go out as "anonymous" - sorry !

  8. Please keep blogging, at least occasionally, and please tell us a little more about your promotion. Well done.
