Whilst Amy and James went back to Cambridge with a lump of rock they paid fifty pee for the privilege of returning to its natural habitat, I spent £17.50 and came away with four purchases I was very pleased with. There was only one thing I wanted but didn't get, because the bidding went too high, some rugs, which would have been very nice on Bakewell but weren't vital.

This teapot is the perfect one I have been looking for for ages - not too big, and not too small (four mugfuls); aluminium, so it can sit on the stove to keep hot, but with a plastic handle so you don't need a cloth to pick it up, and a perfect period piece. It came with two nice little old aluminium frying pans, and all for fifty pence. Mine was the only bid, actually.
The other three things I will post about as I use them, because they will all get used, but in short they were a length of fat cotton (I'm reasonably sure) line just right for making cross straps, a holdall (but wait til you see it!), and a set of window cloths - at four pounds probably the biggest bargain of all (I say probably because I've not unfolded them yet, but the look pretty sound, if a trifle smelly, and are reputed to be ex-Union Canal Carriers camping boats.
Oh, you got the holdall? Complete with socks? Brilliant! The rock is still in my hand bag...